Skills Programme – 8478
20 Credits at NQF Level 2
The qualifying learner achieving this unit standard in combination with context expertise standard(s) will be able to create and conduct a local guided tourist experience, based on local natural and cultural resources, that entertains and informs visitors. This unit standard in combination with other context expertise standard(s) will enable the qualifying learner to be a competent guide operating within a local area. In addition they will be well positioned to extend their learning and practice at level 2 into other areas of tourism, or to strive towards guiding standards and practice at higher levels. Competent qualifying learners in guiding will provide quality experiences to tourists and thus strengthen the profession and tourism in general.
A qualified learner will be able to:
- Acquire knowledge of where tourists come from and what might interest them.
- The ability to assess individual and group interests and adapt the experience accordingly.
- Safely and effectively use necessary equipment according to specified local operational procedures. e.g. radio, spot lighting, technical equipment, jacks, vehicles.
Entry requirements:
- There are no specific learning assumptions made about qualifying learners entering a programme leading to this unit standard, although the ability to communicate effectively in spoken English will be an advantage as this is, in most cases, the medium of interpretation.
Carry out the harvesting of fauna
Carry out the harvesting of flora
Collect field specimens and environmental data
Combat problem plants
Combat soil erosion
Contribute to the health, safety and security of the workplace
Demonstrate ability to participate effectively in a team or group
Demonstrate knowledge of conservation ethics
Demonstrate knowledge of nature conservation in terms of its role and function in society
Identify and monitor local wildlife
Implement cultural heritage resources management in the field
Operate a personal computer system
Orientate, navigate, use and create maps in conservation areas
Perform conservation guardianship
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS in a workplace, and its effects on a business sub-sector, own organisation and a specific workplace
Access and use information from texts
Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of data and procedures in order to investigate life related problems
Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers and number systems
Identify, describe, compare, classify, explore shape and motion in 2-and 3- dimensional shapes in different contexts
Maintain and adapt oral/signed communication
Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes
Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal and community life
Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems
Write/present for a defined context
Demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute towards healthy living
Plan and manage personal finances
Apply knowledge of self in order to make a personal decision
Assist in the control of potentially dangerous damage-causing animal
Control non-dangerous damage causing animals
Demonstrate Knowledge and Understanding Towards Occupational health and safety Regulatory Requirements
Do basic research
Enforce acceptable basic fishing practices in a limited area
Erect, monitor and maintain wildlife fences
Ignite, control and extinguish fires in a conservation area unit
Perform basic domestic infrastructural maintenance in a conservation area
Perform basic field infrastructural maintenance in a conservation area
Plan, organise and manage oneself in the organisation
Understand and apply personal values and ethics
Use numeracy for self-organisation
Work with people who have special needs
Handle and use a handgun
Handle and use a manually operated rifle or carbine
Handle and use a shotgun